Mastino de Valdi

Neo Mastiff


About Us

Neo Mastiff





Brief History

The Neapolitan Mastiff, although rare and a bit exotic, is an ancient breed descendent of Moloso of Tibet and Moloso Asirio-Babilonio. The Roman Legion in their voyages of conquest and exploration throughout the world would collect Moloso exemplaries and bring them back to the Roman Empire. These descendents combated in Europe with the Roman Legions contributing to the formation of many Mastiff breeds.

With the passing of the years, the World Wars threatened the existence of this majestic breed and the Neapolitan Mastiff was forgotten. In 1946 though a group of enthusiastic breeders organized and were able to rescue this magnificent and noble breed from extinction.


Standard of Neapolitan Mastiff

Country of Origin:



Massive and muscular. Trunk should be 10% greater than the height at the withers.


Broad and muscular with white spots.


Thick and short hair. Permissible colors are black, blue, grey, tawny and mahogany. May be brindle from any color.


Lighter than the coat color. Grey, blue, light brown.


Short and muscular with an abundant loose skin which forms the dewlap.


Well opened nostrils. With no traces of depigmentation.


Males 25-30 inches. Females 23-27 inches.


From 110 to 160 pounds.


General Appearance

Large, heavy, massive and bulky dog whose length of body exceeds the height at the withers.



The Neapolitan Mastiff is an unsurpassable protector of the family and property. The Neapolitan Mastiff can be described as an incorruptible friend, loyal, and loving until death. Calmness and tranquility are some of his virtues, but when the occasion arises, his concealed energy erupts with great force, speed, and bravery manifested in grandness. Not only is he a magnificent guardian, but a companion who is always devoted to his master with an expression of commendable majesty and pride.



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This site was last updated 05/02/07 Copyright © 2007 Mastino de Valdi. These material may not be reproduced without prior consent of Mastino de Valdi.